The OS/2 extended attribute structure (FEA2LIST) is
compressed and then stored in it's entirety within this
structure. There will only ever be one "block" of data in
-NTFS Extra Field (0x000a):
The following is the layout of the NTFS attributes
"extra" block. (Note: At this time the Mtime, Atime
and Ctime values may be used on any WIN32 system.)
Note: all fields stored in Intel low-byte/high-byte order.
Value Size Description
----- ---- -----------
(NTFS) 0x000a 2 bytes Tag for this "extra" block type
TSize 2 bytes Size of the total "extra" block
Reserved 4 bytes Reserved for future use
Tag1 2 bytes NTFS attribute tag value #1
Size1 2 bytes Size of attribute #1, in bytes
(var.) Size1 Attribute #1 data
TagN 2 bytes NTFS attribute tag value #N
SizeN 2 bytes Size of attribute #N, in bytes
(var.) SizeN Attribute #N data
For NTFS, values for Tag1 through TagN are as follows:
(currently only one set of attributes is defined for NTFS)
Tag Size Description
----- ---- -----------
0x0001 2 bytes Tag for attribute #1
Size1 2 bytes Size of attribute #1, in bytes
Mtime 8 bytes File last modification time
Atime 8 bytes File last access time
Ctime 8 bytes File creation time
-OpenVMS Extra Field (0x000c):
The following is the layout of the OpenVMS attributes
"extra" block.
Note: all fields stored in Intel low-byte/high-byte order.
Value Size Description
----- ---- -----------
(VMS) 0x000c 2 bytes Tag for this "extra" block type
TSize 2 bytes Size of the total "extra" block
CRC 4 bytes 32-bit CRC for remainder of the block
Tag1 2 bytes OpenVMS attribute tag value #1
Size1 2 bytes Size of attribute #1, in bytes
(var.) Size1 Attribute #1 data
TagN 2 bytes OpenVMS attribute tage value #N
SizeN 2 bytes Size of attribute #N, in bytes
(var.) SizeN Attribute #N data
1. There will be one or more of attributes present, which
will each be preceded by the above TagX & SizeX values.
These values are identical to the ATR$C_XXXX and
ATR$S_XXXX constants which are defined in ATR.H under
OpenVMS C. Neither of these values will ever be zero.
2. No word alignment or padding is performed.